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May Online Auction Direct from UK Government Departments, Ex MoD, Fire & Rescue, National Contracts & Companies * NEW ITEMS ADDED DAILY *
Venue address
Honeypot Lane
Colsterworth, Lincolnshire
NG33 5LY
United Kingdom
May Online Auction Direct from UK Government Departments, Ex MoD, Fire & Rescue, National Contracts & Companies * NEW ITEMS ADDED DAILY *

Our Auctions include everything from Plant and Machinery, Land Rovers, Specialist Vehicles, Forklifts, ATV's, Trailers, Generators, Tools & Eqpt etc

Auction dates
Starts: 24 Apr 2024 10:00 BST
Ends from: 02 May 2024 10:30 BST
Auction currency
We found 85 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
3x Churchill Brake Efficiency Testers in Cases c/w Papers
20 GBP
1 x Stillage of Land Rover Spares etc
80 GBP
New Unissued 1 x 12kg (220m) Marine Quality Rope on Drum
50 GBP
New Unissued 1 x 12kg (220m) Marine Quality Rope on Drum
40 GBP
Q 15 x British Army Jerry Cans Water
40 GBP
Unissued Vehicle Equipment Bags, Covers, Windscreen Covers Land Rovers etc
70 GBP
2006 Scania P-SRS D-Class Fire Engine
5,000 GBP
Unipower 4 x 4 Airport Fire Fighting Appliance - Rapid Intervention Vehicle
5,500 GBP
2016 Master Mover MT600+ Electric Tow Tug w/ Battery Charger & Bracket Attachment
1,250 GBP
50 x New Unissued Jet Engine Turbine Blades from MoD
80 GBP
50 x New Unissued Jet Engine Turbine Blades from MoD
60 GBP
1 x 25 Litre Drum of OEP-220 Engine Oil Unissued MoD Reserve Stock
40 GBP
New Unused 2023 JPC PC10 Tracked Excavator - 12 HP - Diesel Engine
3,600 GBP
4 x 6ft Heavy-Duty Chains
30 GBP
4 x 6ft Heavy-Duty Chains
30 GBP
Rotzler Heavy Duty Snatch Block
125 GBP
Rotzler Heavy Duty Snatch Block
125 GBP
Sepson Heavy Duty Snatch Block
125 GBP
Ringfeder Man SUV Auto Trailer Hitch Fully Rotating from MoD
Ringfeder Man SUV Auto Trailer Hitch Fully Rotating from MoD
Q 5 x Tarpaulin Sheets
40 GBP
Grade 1 Leyland Daf / Bedford Canvas Canopy c/w Ropes etc
New Unissued Aluminium Double Jerry Can Mount c/w Straps
30 GBP
1 x New Unissued WIMIK Crew Seat c/w 5pt Harness
60 GBP
4 x Land Rover / Vehicle Chequer Plate